Friday, March 09, 2007

Not again

So last night I'm working on a new design for the church website and I can't seem to clear my throat. I went to bed around 11 PM and Atticus got up at 5:30 AM. I woke up with a terrible headache, aches, pains, sore throat and lots of drainage. What the heck! Atticus has continued to have a cold and cough but hasn't really been sick so I'm not sure what has happened. Also, I had our Mercury last night while Paul had the van with the kids and it broke down on me. Thank goodness a friend was with me and gave me a ride home. Paul was up until 2 AM waiting for a tow truck to have it towed to the garage. What a day! Oh did I also mention that the first three days of this week we didn't have a bath tub. The 50 year old drain sprung a leak and we had to call a plumber to fix it and it go fixed on Wednesday. Thank goodness we just got our tax refund. GRRRRRRRRR!

P.S. Roger, My friend Brenda's brother is having surgery today to get rid of cancer. Please pray for him as this is a very extensive surgery.

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