Thursday, April 10, 2008

The power of accountability

Last night we hosted Home group. I told the group that I was having a hard time getting things done. I was doing really well with sorting clothes and washing windows but not work and vision stuff done for my new venture. I'm hoping to get a grant to put together a blog community and a book series to help educate parents on the development milestones for their children. I've also had to write a letter to get Alexandra released from our current school system so she can go to a better smaller school system in the fall. Well, after telling everyone that last night and getting prayer, I sent off two emails for the development milestone site and the letter to our school system is addressed and ready to go in the mail. You would have thought the rain here today would have put me in the mood for a nap but instead I got a lot done. I think part of the reason is too that I totally cleaned the house yesterday and I got all the laundry done yesterday. I pretty much have nothing to do today in the house so I had to do those other things. Whatever it was I'm glad I got all those things done.

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