Friday, January 30, 2009
The Beat Box Boy
If you have small kids you might know that a new Electric Company just started on PBS. There's a lot of rapping and beat boxing. Sebastian has started to copy this and I had to get it on video.
The Pajama Party
Today was The Pajama Party in Kindergarten today. We have lots of really cute pj's for her to wear. Oh no, she pics the oldest, most worn out pj top that we have. Of course I couldn't convince her to wear a nicer pair so she went to school in them. As I got the camera out this morning to take a pic of Alexandra, the boys had to get into the act as well. I mean they were still in their pj's too.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Things heard in the Erbe house
I am just amazed at the things that are said here on a daily basis:
Sebastian wants to hug and kiss me everyday now before I leave. So he yells as we are leaving "Mommy, don't go. I have to kiss and hug you." So I wait, and kiss and hug him. Atticus comes and says" Mommy don't go. Kiss and hug." So I kiss and hug him and then he says very dramatically, "Go".
Alexandra asked me if she could get a frisbee at the coffee shop. I couldn't quite figure out what she was talking about. She meant slurpee.
Atticus is looking out the window and says he sees Daddy. Alexandra says that's not daddy, that's just some boring kids walking down the sidewalk.
I mentioned that I was going to get some medicine and Atticus lines up in front of me, like to get his ration. Also whenever I get the medicine, each of the kids sniffles and coughs. Sebastian will even say in a loud voice, Mommy I have a cough. I need medicine.
Sebastian wants to hug and kiss me everyday now before I leave. So he yells as we are leaving "Mommy, don't go. I have to kiss and hug you." So I wait, and kiss and hug him. Atticus comes and says" Mommy don't go. Kiss and hug." So I kiss and hug him and then he says very dramatically, "Go".
Alexandra asked me if she could get a frisbee at the coffee shop. I couldn't quite figure out what she was talking about. She meant slurpee.
Atticus is looking out the window and says he sees Daddy. Alexandra says that's not daddy, that's just some boring kids walking down the sidewalk.
I mentioned that I was going to get some medicine and Atticus lines up in front of me, like to get his ration. Also whenever I get the medicine, each of the kids sniffles and coughs. Sebastian will even say in a loud voice, Mommy I have a cough. I need medicine.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Horsing around

The twin mom's are hosting a contest over at that's all focused around horsing around. Alexandra and I were bored one evening and so we used the camera to show off our silly side. Sebastian got into the act too with the kiss on the cheek. When Sebastian kisses, it's serious business.
Oh the wonderful world of Erbe's
A lot has been rattling around in my brain lately. The boys were sick this last week and I got it too. When you are in bed, you have a lot of time to think. I believe that although the decision to work part-time outside the home was a tough one, it was the best for me and our family. I'm liking what I'm doing and it charges me to be more productive with the kids. Alexandra has had a hard time adjusting to me not picking her up. I'm still doing afternoons at wayfm and that's going good. I'm enjoying using that gift. It gives me another good outlet. Every day I'm home in the afternoon with the kids. I've cut rest time to 1/2 hour for Alexandra and Sebastian so I can spend more time with them one on one. Atticus is still napping but I've cut it down to about 1 1/2 hours so that he'll go to bed better. We're finally getting into the new routine and the kids are doing good. I'm glad that I've never had the feeling that something is beneath me. I've also realized that the kids have taught me a lot in these last 5 years. They've taught me to be more patient and how to give more grace than I ever thought I could. I also don't mind interruptions as much. I mean come on with 3 kids 5 and under my life is one big interruption. I mean some days it takes me 20 minutes to do a sink full of dishes cause someone needs something or someone is hitting someone else. I've also grown to appreciate the little things, like a 5 year old who can carry her bowl to the sink without spilling it. I've gained so much from these three little people. I didn't realize it until I got back out in the world. I think that is pretty cool.
Friday, January 16, 2009
A busy day
I was wishing and hoping for a snow day today and I got one. I scheduled Sebastian's 4 year well child visit today and depending on how long it took I would have been late picking up Alexandra from School. It was good that she went with us because she got her flu mist along with the boys. The flu mist was pretty cool. To be honest I don't think I would have done the flu shots because they were shots. Sebastian did need 4 Immunizations so that's why I didn't want him to have another shot. We got home and I pulled the snow blower into the back room to try and get the belt back on it so I could clean out the driveway before we get more snow tonight. I have to admit, it was hard but I did get it. So, after the kids finish watching Arthur on PBS I'm gonna go try it and see if I got it right or not. It always makes me feel good when I can accomplish something like this because it's not a skill that comes natural. I'll update later to let you know if I did indeed get it fixed.j
Alexandra Sebastian,
dr. appointments,
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Things heard in the Erbe house today
While making Brownies today, Alexandra says to Sebastian " I've been doing this for a long time, so I know how to do this very well." Remember she's 5.
Atticus says to me while I'm changing his dirty diaper, "Hi, Mommy". I reply, "Hi Attiucs". "Love you, Mommy". Just what you need to hear when you are changing a dirty diaper.
Sebastian comes down stairs after getting his jammies on and all his buttons are buttoned. I asked if he did it all by himself and he replied "No, my doggie did it." We don't have a dog.
Atticus says to me while I'm changing his dirty diaper, "Hi, Mommy". I reply, "Hi Attiucs". "Love you, Mommy". Just what you need to hear when you are changing a dirty diaper.
Sebastian comes down stairs after getting his jammies on and all his buttons are buttoned. I asked if he did it all by himself and he replied "No, my doggie did it." We don't have a dog.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
No Hair?

Tonight the kids wanted to look at pictures of themselves as babies. I have all my pics on so I pulled them up. Atticus was very uninterested but Alexandra and Sebastian were taken by the numerous pictures I have of them. We looked at Sebastian first and I showed him the pic of him in the cradle weigher (the one shown here) and he said, "Oh no, I have no hair". He was so serious, I start crying just thinking about it cause it was so funny. It was like he was disappointed and he just didn't seem like it was right that he didn't have hair. Some of the things he says are funny but also the seriousness of how he says them is so funny. It's hard to relate that but hopefully you get it.
A little crafty boy
And I don't mean crafty like doing art projects. Last night I was reading Sebastian a book and he started to pick his nose. I asked if he needed a tissue, he said no. I kept reading. He started to pick it again. I told him that we don't pick our nose. He stopped and I kept reading. Then he said he needed to get off the bed. I asked him why, his response, "I need to go away and pick my nose". I laughed so hard. He thought if I couldn't see him do it, I wouldn't be able to stop him. Now that's thinking....
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