Thursday, December 07, 2006

A ride around town

When I was pregnant with Atticus, one of my friend's had just had her third. We would have them over and she would just be so taken with her new little guy. I even mentioned to her that it was so cool that she thought he was the greatest thing! I thought to myself at that point that I never felt that way about my kids when they were really young. Don't get me wrong, I loved them a bunch and I did everything to take care of them but I wasn't totally taken with them. Tonight while I was out running errands after work, I realized how taken I am with Atticus. I think he is just the sweetes thing. What I realized is that It really isn't about him, it's about me. It's not that Atticus is any sweeter than Alexandra or Sebastian, it's that I'm more comfortable with being a mom. With the first one, I was totally overwhelmed with the fact that God intrusted me with this little person and what if I don't know what to do. With the second it was about keeping up with the Toddler and managing the baby. I don't think I was really sure for quite a while that I would be able to do it. With Atticus I have experience with two and I know there's nothing I can't handle even if its hard. I know it will get better, cause it always did. It's like I'm enjoying this stage more because I know he won't be this small for too long. It's a nice thing to realize that I'm changing for the better through this whole mothering process.

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