Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A need for a little encouragement

Being a mom is a great thing. It's also a really tough job. I can't imagine my life without them but there are days I wonder what I'm doing and if I'm doing the right things. I also feel like I'm the only one that's struggling. It seems everyone else can handle this stage of life. It's a lot of work, rewarding, but still a lot of work. Sometimes you need someone to step in and say it is hard, and it's not easy for most women. I knew in my heart that this was where God wanted me, but was it really where my husband wanted me. So after a chat, he confirmed it was where he wanted me too. It's good to be reminded that your not alone and that you are supported in what you are doing. Thank God he gives us those times of encouragement when we feel like we're at our breaking point.


These Three Kings said...

Thought you might be encouraged with this quote:

"Whoever would be great among you, must be your servant." Matt 20:26

"The world may not applaud us for wiping runny noses, driving in carpools, or talking with our teenager into the wee hours of the morning. And until they are trained, our children might not thank us either. But as we set aside our own selfish desires and glorify God by joyfully serving our children, we are pursuing true greatness according to the Bible. Let us do so with tenderness, affection and with a smile!"
"But what if you have lost your smile? How do you find renewed joy to sacrificially serve and tenderly love your children? Our only genuine source of refreshment comes from God. In Him alone do we acquire fresh strength to carry out this enormous task of mothering."

-Carolyn Mahanney The Feminine Appeal

I totally understand how you are feeling.. being a mom is hard work.. but so is everything else that the LORD calls us to. YOu can do it my matter how difficult things get.. GOd will continue to provide all of your needs accourding to HIS riches in Christ Jesus! COntinue to remind your self of truth..
Romans 8
Lamentations 3

Kim said...

It's amazing that I'm stumbling across your blog, today of all days. I just had the most horrible week last week with my son. Being a SAHM is hard for everyone. And over the summer it can get even harder because you are around them all the time. At least for me we are. This past week we really got on each others nerves and yesterday was my breaking point. I went to my room and just cried. Then this morning I find your blog and read this post. No, you're not alone and yes, this is where we need to be.

Hang in there!