There's another contest over at This one has a summer theme. If you would like to enter a photo as well, you can check it out at here.
Last night I heard foot steps upstairs after we put the kids to bed. I went up and found out it was Sebastian and he needed a change. After he was disciplined, Alexandra says: For the record he also turned on the light. I couldn't believe she said that. I had to hold back the laughter as I walked out the door to get a pull up for Sebastian.
Last night, about a hour this incident occurred. Door to the upstairs opens. Alexandra: Mama, I think you need to sew Buddy's night-night. Me: Why? Alexandra: I think I swallowed part of it. Me: (holding back laughter) Go back to bed! Paul: What will they come up with next!
Being a mom is a great thing. It's also a really tough job. I can't imagine my life without them but there are days I wonder what I'm doing and if I'm doing the right things. I also feel like I'm the only one that's struggling. It seems everyone else can handle this stage of life. It's a lot of work, rewarding, but still a lot of work. Sometimes you need someone to step in and say it is hard, and it's not easy for most women. I knew in my heart that this was where God wanted me, but was it really where my husband wanted me. So after a chat, he confirmed it was where he wanted me too. It's good to be reminded that your not alone and that you are supported in what you are doing. Thank God he gives us those times of encouragement when we feel like we're at our breaking point.
After 2 parties, lots of friends and family, cool girly presents and way too much cake, we now have a 5 year old. I love the littler person she is and is becoming.
The other day I went for my yearly pedicure and came home with painted toe nails. Alexandra's been begging me to paint her toe nails. I got out the polish and painted her toes before bed. Atticus was the first to sit down and point to his toes, then Sebastian wanted his too. I had Alexandra run down and grab the camera so I could document the boys wanting their toes painted.
One thing that continues to come up for Sebastian is his gross motor skills. When the PT at school told me that he doesn't have any problems with his gross motor skills, I told her he can't ride a tricycle. Yesterday we were playing outside and Sebastian got on the tricycle. He just put his feet on the petals and started riding. So tonight I got out the camera and taped his riding. I cannot express how excited this makes me.
Yes, that's what we were starting Wednesday night. While we were out at church, a huge storm came through town and even though we live in the city, we lost power. I was sure it would return in a couple of hours because in the last nine years, we've only lost power for a few hours if at all. It took almost 2 days. When I called the power company, they kept telling me that it wouldn't be restored until Saturday night. The first thing that happened to me was I thought about all the things I would be doing if the power was on but that really wasn't true. I thought about how I needed to do laundry and that I could mop the floor but I wouldn't have done that. I would have been on my computer or watching TV or both (which is what I'm doing now). I really learned I'm a modern girl. I like lights, I like to hear my fan or air conditioner running at night. We had hot water for dishes and a shower but no dishwasher and no hairdryer. I have to admit, I don't really like this about myself, I wish I liked living like I was camping but I don't. I don't like it at all. I think the kids handled it better than I did. That's pretty sad when your 5, 3 and 1 year old handle the power outage better than their mom! :)