I had Laura Browning over today to sit for the kids so I hit some garage sales. One of the first ones I saw they had a swing set. It looked sound but needs a paint job. I walked up to it and the price on it was $15. My jaw dropped. We're getting our truck back this weekend after being in the shop. I asked if we could pick it up on Sunday and she said yes. So, after that I found a little tikes cube with a slide on Craigslist. It was in battle creek but they only wanted $39 for it and that's the cheapest I've seen. As you can see the kids are already loving it!
Friday, June 29, 2007
I rock at great deals today
I had Laura Browning over today to sit for the kids so I hit some garage sales. One of the first ones I saw they had a swing set. It looked sound but needs a paint job. I walked up to it and the price on it was $15. My jaw dropped. We're getting our truck back this weekend after being in the shop. I asked if we could pick it up on Sunday and she said yes. So, after that I found a little tikes cube with a slide on Craigslist. It was in battle creek but they only wanted $39 for it and that's the cheapest I've seen. As you can see the kids are already loving it!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Goggle Girl
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
He's pulling himself up now and making is mama's day
One of those Michigan summer days
It's one of those days that you don't bother showering because you'll get out and sweat even more than you were before. It's one of those days that you wish it would rain and just cool things off instead of making things even worse. It's one of those days that you go to walmart with no money but at least it's air conditioned. These are the days we forget about in the heart of winter here in Michigan.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Backyard fun on a hot summer day
Monday, June 25, 2007
4th of July party over at 5 minutes for mom
You've got to head over to 5 Minutes for mom.com and get registered for some very cool prizes for 4th of July! You can also get there by clicking on the banner on the right hand side of the blog.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
She's Married
After lots of prayers and tears my friend Jennifer Married a wonderful man yesterday. It was an awesome day and everything went great. It was one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to. Everything started Friday with a bridesmaid luncheon and pampering day. After that we had the rehearsal and dinner. It all went very smoothly. The wedding day started out with getting our hair done. Even though I had no idea what I wanted done the stylist did a great job and I got a lot of compliments from people, even my hubby loved it. We made it to the church and had all our pictures before the wedding. The wedding itself went very smoothly but I have to tell you that my feet are not use to standing for more than an hour in huge heals. I changed shoes to platform sandals for the ice cream social after the ceremony and then by the time we hit the dinner reception, I had no shoes on at all. It was so great to see Jen so happy. I also got to see a couple of girls that I went to college with and a couple from New Zealand that we met at Western Michigan University who now live in Texas. Overall, It was an incredible day!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I'm a fan of the spray tan
At the recommendation of one of my friends I decided to do a spray tan. My Friend Jen is getting married this weekend and I'm in the wedding. The dress is strapless and I have horrible strap lines from my tank tops. I would highly recommend The mystic tan. It only takes 40 seconds and then you are done! You feel a little sticky after ward but by the next day you have lots of color. If I had the money I would continue to do it for sure. I don't remember being this tan ever. I'll post some pics after the wedding so you can see. Oh the funniest thing is that Paul doesn't know I've been doing this and he hasn't said a word about how tan I'm getting. I laugh out loud every time I think about that.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
What a big boy!
Today Atticus pulled himself up on our little whale slide, stood up, and climbed up the stairs and went head first down the slide. I'll try to get a picture of him doing it again. After his adventure outside, we went up for a nap and i was saying How about a nite-nite and he said ni-ni! It was too cute. I can't believe that in less then two months he'll be a year old.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Busy, busy Erbe's
Boy, what a weekend. I was still fighting my cold and not feeling great. Todd's graduation party went really well. I can't believe my little brother is now going to be a freshman in college. We got to spend some time with by older brother and his family and got to have pizza with my dad on Father's day. This next week is only busier. My Best Friend from college is getting married this weekend and I'm in the wedding. It's going to be awesome! She's waited a long time for this, It's going to be quite a celebration.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A warm day in Michigan
The Erbe's from Texas are in michigan so we all headed to a inland lake in Allegan. It was 90 degrees today but there were some great shade trees. The kids were in the water most of the time that we were there and I realized how stressful that was. The water was really shallow but you never know. After lunch Alexandra and Sebastian both wanted to swing so they did. It got to be almost 2 PM and I decided that I needed to take the kids home. Sebastian was fading and Atticus was getting really really tired. Paul stayed with his family and his brother brought him home later. I think the kids were happy to be home too. After dinner we played in the beans and then took a bath. After the bath I asked Sebastian for a kiss. He gave me one and then Alexandra gave me one. They kissed me over and over. It was such a sweet moment. I then read them some books to settle them down for the night. I am realizing that with three little ones I am in need of more and more downtime. I watered the garden and the flowers and watched a little TV the rest of the night.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm a slacker blogger
Wow, I can't believe that it's been so long since I blogged. I guess with the warmer weather we are spending more time outside and less time in front of the computer. We had dinner Friday night with my inlaws and it was great fun! Hopefully Paul's brother Dave and his family will make it in this week so we can hang out with them. Dave's wife Melisa and their sons haven't met Atticus in person yet. We went to Todd's (my youngest brother) graduation yesterday. We decided to get a sitter and leave the kids at home. What a great idea. It was so nice that we didn't have to watch the kids while watching the ceremony! I started getting sick again over the weekend and now I've lost my voice. One of my friends echoed a thought I had. With three little ones it seems that I'm so tired and am not getting enough sleep so my body can't fight things as well. I think she might be right! Alexandra had her first taste of Garage sales this weekend and loved it! A neighbor across the street had one and so did some homes down the street. We found some stuff we couldn't live without, of course. She just can't understand why the neighbor isn't have the sale again today. It's suppose to be really nice and warm here in Michigan this week so we'll be spending some time in the kiddie pool. More later.
Monday, June 04, 2007
You gotta love being a mom moment
After changing a poopy diaper on Sebastian he put his arm around me and said "U r da bes". Toddler speak for you are the best. It was so sweet and nice! You gotta love being a mom when that happens.
Weekend highlights
Friday night brought a dinner out at Chicken coop. It was so great for all of us to be out to dinner together. Saturday Alexandra and I ran some errands and we went to a graduation party. Sunday was Church and working in the yard. Alexandra and I got the rest of the garden planted. Last week I bought a bike for Alexandra for her birthday. It's a two wheel bike and we still need to get training wheels so she can ride it. I had it covered up in the garage so she wouldn't see it. Paul moved it to get to some things and it was on the ground with a little of it uncovered. She was outside playing and found it. She came in the house all excited that she found this bike and she thought it was for her. Paul and I talked. This may sound cruel but we decided to not show it to her and tell her she needed to wait 5 weeks until her birthday. She cried and cried. She kept saying to me that she couldn't stop thinking about that bike because it was so nice. It has Disney princess' on it so it was of course very attractive. After her bath she didn't mention it again and she hasn't mentioned it this morning. We hid it in the house where she can't see or find it. Whew.
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